Version française

Prayer for the Canonization of Mother Catherine Aurelia of the
Precious Blood,

Foundress of the Congregation of the Sisters Adorers of the Precious Blood
O Christ Redeemer,
you placed in the heart of Mother Catherine
Aurelia of the Precious Blood
an ardent desire to work for the salvation of souls
by a life of prayer and penance.
You called her to found a new contemplative Community
for the glory of your adorable Blood and to honour
your Immaculate Mother.
May you now glorify your faithful servant, by granting us,
through her intercession, the favour we ask.
Teach us by her example to meditate on your passion and death,
and to offer unceasingly to God the Father, your most Precious Blood
for all the needs of Holy Church. Amen

Glory be to the Father - three times.


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