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Chronological Account of Proceedings in the Cause of Canonization
of Mother Catherine Aurelia Caouette

Prayers for her canonization

From a very early age, Aurélie Caouette was known as a saintly person.
Not surprisingly, immediately after her death in 1905, persons who had known her prayed God for her canonization. As early as 1920, the community, for its part, distributed an official prayer approved by the bishop.

A first request that the Cause of Canonization
be introduced was made in December, 1929

In March, 1929, Fr Gabriel Godbout, OFM, takes
the liberty of questioning the nuns of the Saint-
Hyacinthe monastery asking if a petition had been
presented to the bishop of the diocese for the Cause
of Mother Catherine Aurelia to be opened. If not,
doing so would be very important as it was the first
step in the process.

In December of the same year, the
Sisters Adorers of the Precious Blood in
Saint-Hyacinthe presented a first petition to
Mgr. Fabien-Zoël Decelles, bishop of the diocese,
asking him to instruct the cause of Canonization
for their Foundress.

In January 1930, the nuns of the Lévis monastery
also sent a petition to Mgr. Decelles. In February
of the same year, the nuns, of the monastery in
Gravelbourg Sask., were strong in presenting
a similar petition. There is no written record of any
reply from Mgr Decelles to these requests.

Various petitions were presented (1951-1961)

Exhumation occurred
on October 7, 1982

On September 2,1982, Mother Beatrice Laforest, APS, General Superior, received the authorisation to proceed with the exhumation of the mortal remains of Mother Catherine Aurelia from the new bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe, Mgr. Louis-de-Gonzague Langevin. The official ceremony occurred on October 7, 1982, and was attended by Canon Jean-Roch Choinière, priest, Diocesan Chancellor, delegated by Mgr. Langevin; and by Denis Lépine, priest, Vice Chancellor; and by Lucien Clermont, priest, chaplain; by Fr Robert Piuze, OP, assistant-chaplain; by Rolland Litalien, parish priest of St-Anne-de-Bellevue parish; by Dom Gérard Mercier, OSB, biographer of Mother Catherine Aurelia; by Dr. André Dandelin, physician of the community; by Dr. Paul A. Lagüe, coroner, and by Dr. Jean-Paul Valcourt, Head Pathologist for the Province of Quebec.

Seals affixed on November 10, 1982

On November 10, 1982, Bishop Langevin’s seals affixed by Canon Jean-Roch Choinière, Chancellor.

Appointment of Fr. Angelo Mitri, OMI,
as Postulator, January 13, 1983

On January 13, 1983, the 150th anniversary of Mother Catherine Aurelia’s birth, Mother Beatrice Laforest, General Superior, with the approval of the Bishop, and the common assent of her council, entrusted Fr. Angelo Mitri, OMI, with a power of attorney as Postulator for the Cause of Canonization of Mother Catherine Aurelia Caouette.

Second Entombment, July 11, 1983

On the 150th anniversary of Aurelia Caouette's birth,
at the close of a solemn Eucharist, her new coffin was
concealed in a granite tomb (sarcophagus) inside the
monastery. Persons wishing to visit this private oratory
and entrust their intentions to Mother Catherine Aurelia
may do so.

The Official Beginning of the Cause, November 20, 1984

On November 20, 1984, like the dawn before the rising of the sun, a great day began for our diocesan Church and for our Congregation. At the close of a solemn Eucharist celebrated by Mgr. Louis-de-Gonzague Langevin, Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe, the first official public act occurred In the Cause of Mother Catherine Aurelia, the golden sun of our Institute. The Postulator, Father Angelo Metri, officially requested that the Diocesan Bishop open the Cause of canonization of the Servant of God.

Death of the Postulator, Fr.Angelo Mitri, OMI, Postulator, December 22, 1984

Great enterprises are often beset with a seal of trials. On December 22 of the same year, Fr. Angelo Mitri, OMI, Postulator, dies suddenly of a heart attack.

Mr. Constant Bouchaud is Appointed Postulator October 11, 1985.

Thank God, on October 11, 1985, Bishop Louis-de-Gonzague Langevin, approved the appointment of Mr. Constant Bouchaud, PSS, as the new Postulator for the Cause.

Two Theologian-censors, 1988 - 1989

Dom Gérard Mercier,OSB, and Fr. Jacques Gervais, OMI, are chosen by the bishop to examine the writings of Mother Catherine Aurelia.

Historical Commission, June 5th,1992

Fr. Benoit Lacroix OP, historian and medievalist, presides over the work of the Commission.

Some members of the diocesan tribunal with the Bishop of St-Hyacinthe. From left to right: Sr. Lucille Gamache, APS; Sr. Liliane St-Martin, PM; Fr. Benoit Lacroix, OP; Mgr Louis-de-Gonzague Langevin, Bishop.

Members of the tribunal in the company of Mr. Denis Lépine, priest, Vice-Chancellor ; Sr. Liliane St-Martin PM, honours B.A. in History; Fr Benoit Lacroix, OP, historian and medievalist, president of the Commission; Mr. Gilbert Gendron, priest, Bachelor of Theology, Master of Philosophy; Mr. Jean-Noël Dion, archivist and information technician; Sr. Lucille Gamache, Directress of the Aurelia Centre; Mr. Denis Lépine, priest, Vice-Chancellor and Diocesan Delegate for the Cause.

A Diocesan Investigation: A reputation of holiness, August 9 – 12 1993.

Mgr. Louis-de-Gonzague Langevin acts as Instructor.

The "Position Statement" is completed on December 8, 1998

The ‘Positio’ was drawn up by Fr Jean-Jacques Robillard, OP, historian.

A Diocesan Investigation concerning a healing attributed to the intercession of Mother Catherine Aurelia, June 18 - 22, 2000.

Vice-Postulator : Mr. Denis Lépine, priest
Members of the Tribunal :
Examining Magistrate: Mr. Gilles Bissonnette, priest;
Promoter of Justice: Fr. William Woestman, OMI,
Medical expert: Dr. André Daudelin
Notary: Mrs Ginette St-Onge
Vice-Notaries: Sr. Jeannette Héon, APS,
Sr. Micheline Proulx, APS,
Sr. Rachel Fleurent, APS.

Meeting of Historians , March 27,2001

The Diocesan procedures having been completed, now the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints reviewed the work submitted for the purpose of a definitive approval. On March 27, 2001, the meeting of Historians came to a close in Rome with the approval of the position statement.

A New Postulator : May 30, 2001

Fr. Innocenzo Venchi,OP, the General Postulator of Dominican Causes, becomes Postulator for the cause of Mother Catherine Aurelia, the first Canadian lay member of the Third Order of St-Dominic.

New Postulator: April 30, 2004

Fr  Innocenzo Venchi, OP, finished his mission as general Postulator of Dominican Causes.  His successor is Fr Vito Thomas Gomez, OP.  He was also named Postulator for the Cause of Mother Catherine Aurelia.

New Postulator Appointed on September 15, 2010

Dr. Avv. Andrea Ambrosi has become the Postulator of the Cause of Mother Catherine-Aurélie. He is assisted by Father Mario Lachapelle, C.S.C., from Saint Joseph's Oratory in Montreal.

In 2018, the nuns entrusted the continuation of the process for the advancement of the Cause to the Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe.



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